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April 2019

On April 6th I attended the Prayer Ministry Workshop with Catholic Renewal Services. We learned about praying for others and watched some training videos by Randy Clark.

For the past year my wife Carla has had a problem with her left arm and shoulder. She had restricted mobility, and was experiencing a lot of pain. She had gone to the chiropractor and recently her doctor referred her to a physiotherapist. She was doing the physio exercises but getting no results. On April 13, 2019 she asked me to massage her shoulder and arm because it was hurting so much. I massaged her for awhile which felt good to her but the mobility in her arm did not improve. I asked if I could pray for her and she said yes, that she believed in the healing power of God. I prayed for about 5 or 6 minutes. She said she didn't feel anything. I told her Randy said 50% of the people who are healed don't feel anything. I asked her to move her arm and there was no change. I prayed some more with my hand over the spot she said hurt the most. I commanded the sinews and muscles to release in the name of Jesus. And I felt them release! I asked her to move her arm again and she had full range of motion! We were so excited! She said she still had some pain but could move her arm.  

I prayed a third time but no further change. It was about 80% healed because there was still some pain left. I told her that Randy taught us that people sometimes deny a healing because it is not 100% healed.

She has continued with full range of motion and some pain. We praised God and thanked the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I was so excited that I had trouble sleeping that night. My faith increased and I felt an in-breaking of the Kingdom of Heaven into our lives had begun. I pray for more - more power and signs and wonders for the glory of Jesus name.

On April 22 I prayed again for the pain to go away. The pain level went down by another 50% but more significantly she experienced a kind of inner release. She felt that the tension in her shoulder and arm had to do with holding on and trying to control things. She felt that she could let go and trust in God more.

I just want to praise and thank the Lord for my sister's successful surgery. All seems to have done well. I am grateful for His everlasting faithfulness towards us, his children.



April 10, 2019

Please share my testimony to your friends to let them know that our Lord

Jesus is truly a God full of love and He hears all our prayers in spite of ourselves.

Last February this year, my left chest down to my left arm and fingers were throbbing with sharp pain. My chest hurt from left to right and then in the middle of my chest and then the pain travelled to my back.

Then I decided to go to the Urgent Care Clinic to have this pain examined. The attending physician took my blood pressure and then he recommended for an EKG for me. 

The doctor, after getting the test results, told me that I had an apparent heart attack. He told me to go to St. Joseph's Hospital right away and not to drive on my own. The nurse told me that she could call an ambulance for me. I told her that our sister, Eva, who lives just a "stone-throw" away from the Urgent Care Clinic, could pick me up and drive me straight to St. Joseph's Hospital. The nurse never did leave me  by myself in the room.

While I was still in the Urgent Care Clinic, Eva called you to pray for me. You were out of town ministering someplace. You then prayed with me over the telephone and you commanded my heart to function normally in Jesus' Name and you asked the Lord Jesus to melt all the blockages in my arteries through His precious blood and then, you spoke life into my heart in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. You told me that the Lord was telling me not to be afraid because "He is with you and healing you right now." While I was in St. Joseph's Hospital, the Urgent Care doctor ordered for me to have blood test, urine test, X-ray, EKG, and echocardiogram. While waiting for the results in the hospital's Urgent Care Unit, you called me again and assured me that everything would be alright and then you prayed again for me and you also thanked the Lord for His healing touch for me. I told you that many of our family members were praying for me also. Moments later, the chest pains had disappeared, no more shortness of breath, numbness in my arm and fingers I no longer felt. The doctor told me that all the tests were normal, but he advised me to see a Cardiologist to confirm that everything is OK for my peace of mind.

Two weeks later, I saw a Cardiologist, and he ordered for me to undergo almost the same tests while I was in the Hospital's Urgent Care Unit plus stress test. I told the Cardiologist when I saw him to discuss the test results,  that what happened is not normal for me. My blood pressure has always been normal, so is my cholesterol level and sugar content in my blood.

He told me that he has no idea what happened but that the test results of everything that he ordered came back all normal, thank God! He admitted, however, that the test results from the Urgent Care Clinic were very much different from the test results from the Hospital's and from his clinic. He was lost for words as to what happened. He was really puzzled. He told me that there is nothing to worry about at all and that everything is alright!

You and I know and all our family members that our Lord Jesus is our Healer and He is full of compassion for all of His children and He hears our prayers. I could not thank Him enough for healing me.

 Lulu Canton Alsayegh

Stockton, Ca.

We received the following from Bonnie Cornwell, our main "host" during the Winnipeg CCRSC meeting during the week of March 24, 2019.

"Thank you for letting me share in your praise and worship. how wonderful! I want you to know and to share  with the others , that my back pain is gone.  The session you had at St. Charles Church would have been the test.  I usually sit down after a short while but I was  'surprised'  that I could stand with no problem. Praise the Lord!.       Blessings, Bonnie

God bless you all!

Melvin De Paz "God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him"

1 John 4, 16

I put this in the praise report as our dear Lucy has gone to be with the Lord!

On behalf of Lucy I wish to thank all of you for your prayers for her the last year and a half, while she suffered from cancer. It seems that the Lord granted her extra time and health during this final period of her life and for that I am grateful, as I'm sure her family is.

Lucy wanted to come to one of the Prayer Breakfasts to thank everyone personally for praying for her; as it was not possible, I wish to do this on her behalf as she smiles down from heaven at all of us. Amen